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How to transfer eSIM to a new phone


With eSIMs revolutionizing the mobile world, switching phone plans is no longer a hassle.

But is it just as easy to transfer your eSIM plan to a new phone?

Dive into our guide on transferring your eSIM to a new phone, including the difference between iPhone and Android.

Can I transfer an eSIM to my new phone?

Absolutely, yes! The beauty of eSIM is the ability to be reprogrammed for different devices or carriers.

And the best bit is that gone are the days of having to deal with a physical SIM card. Transferring your eSIM to a new phone is easy in comparison.

However, as a growing technology, not all low-cost carriers support prepaid eSIM Quick Transfer. But don't worry, as I'm here to guide you through each of the steps.

Transferring an eSIM iPhone to iPhone

If you've kept the same iPhone for a few years and you're ready for a new iPhone, you can transfer your eSIM over easily. All you need is an iPhone XS, iPhone XS Max, iPhone XR, or later that supports eSIM. Or one of the Apple iPhone 14 models, which are eSIM only.

If you don't have access to your previous iPhone, you'll need to contact your carrier, who'll be able to organize the transfer for you.

If you do have your old iPhone to hand, here's how to transfer your eSIM over:

eSIM quick transfer

  1. Backup: First, back up your old iPhone to iCloud or your computer.
  2. Setup your new iPhone Turn on your new device and begin the setup process. During setup, look for an option saying "Transfer Cellular Plan."
  3. Transfer eSIM: Follow the on-screen instructions to transfer your eSIM.
  4. Check your connection: Once it's completed, try making a call to check connectivity. Once the transfer is complete, iOS normally deactivates the plan on your old iPhone. But it's always best to double-check.

Transfer after setup

If you skipped the transfer during the setup, don't worry; you can still do a quick transfer:

  • Settings > Cellular > Add Cellular Plan
  • Make sure your eSIM plan is listed
  • Check on your old iPhone for a notification asking you to confirm the transfer
  • Click on Transfer to approve the request

If your iPhone supports iOS 16, Apple introduced eSIM transfer via Bluetooth. You'll need to go to Settings > Set up eSIM and then follow the instructions.

eSIM carrier activation

If a carrier doesn't support the quick transfer process, you'll get an eSIM carrier activation QR code that you can scan to start the setup.

Depending on your low-cost carrier, you may be able to use the carrier's iPhone app to set up the transfer or activation of your eSIM.

Transferring an eSIM from iPhone to Android

If you're looking to transfer your eSIM from an iPhone to an Android or vice versa, there are a few different steps you'll need:

You cannot transfer directly from an Android to an iPhone; you'll need to contact your carrier for a QR code to scan with your new phone.

When transferring between different phone models, sometimes you'll need to delete your eSIM profile on your old phone before installing it on your new phone. But carriers often have different ways of doing this, so it's always best to check the instructions from your new carrier.

Transferring an eSIM from Android to Android

Currently, you can't transfer from Android to Android. But your new carrier will supply you with a QR code to set up your eSIM transfer.

Transferring an eSIM FAQs

No, transferring an eSIM will not erase your data. However, always back up your data for safety!

Yes. Depending on the cell phone, you can have multiple eSIMs; if your phone is dual SIM, you can have both eSIM and a physical SIM card. Ideal if you have a separate number for business or if you travel frequently.


An eSIM makes switching cell phone plans easy, but it's also easy to transfer your eSIM to a new cell phone.

Switching to a more affordable cell phone plan and transferring your eSIM to a new device can help you save hundreds of dollars a year on your cell phone bill.

As a growing technology, some eSIM carriers are still getting on board with the quick transfer. So it's always worth checking with your carrier about what eSIM transfer process they support.


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